More about botulinum
How does a treatment with botulinum work?
What’s the process like?
Which criteria must be met to be suitable for Botox treatment?
What are the advantages of a Botox treatment?
What are the risks / complications of Botox treatment?
Cost of Botox treatment?
Wrinkle removal with Botox is an effective method for reducing mimic facial wrinkles. In this method, the nerve agent botulinum toxin is injected into various facial muscles. The poison restricts the nerve signals in the selected muscles, resulting in a targeted paralysis in the areas treated with Botox. The skin smoothens afterwards and looks wrinkle-free and fresher.
The untreated muscles are not limited in their function. Treatment with botulinum toxin is designed to stop the unconscious facial features and the resulting mimic wrinkles, without hindering the facial expression and the expressiveness of the patient. Botox wrinkle treatment is particularly good at minimizing eye wrinkles, frown lines, crow's feet on the eyes, or wrinkles on the jaw and neck.
The Botox injection is a safe, quick and painless procedure. The treatment takes about 15 to 20 minutes.
The Botox process
• The doctor determines the facial muscles to be treated
• The Botox is injected using a micro-needle
• The result is visible after a few days
• The effect of the toxin lasts for three to four months, after which it gradually diminishes
At the beginning of wrinkle treatment with Botox, the patient has to make faces. The plastic surgeon can thereby determine the muscles responsible for wrinkling and then treat them with the toxin. These sites vary greatly from patient to patient.
Subsequently, the plastic surgeon injects the Botox with the help of a micro-needle in the places to be treated. Anesthesia is not necessary in this procedure. However, it is possible for very sensitive patients to apply a local anesthetic ointment before treatment.
The botulinum toxin takes two to five days to develop its effect and paralyze the muscles. The result of the Botox treatment is therefore only after a few days.
The effect of Botox lasts on average for three to six months and must be repeated thereafter to maintain the result. With each botulinum treatment, the durability of the result increases.
Wrinkle treatment with Botox is suitable for patients who are bothered by their facial expressions. These are caused by the tension of the deeper facial muscles and can be remedied particularly effectively by the injection of the neurotoxin. Botox treatment is especially for worry or anger wrinkles, crow’s feet on the edge of the eyes and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.
A Botox treatment is not recommended if the wrinkles to be treated have been caused by a decrease in elasticity or flaccidity of the skin, as well as severe weight loss and excessive sun exposure. These wrinkles can be removed more effectively with other methods.
Patients with certain types of muscle disease, facial inflammation, or those who have recently been treated with antibiotics should refrain from Botox treatment. Furthermore, the toxin should not be injected during pregnancy or breast-feeding.
Use of Botox
• Best effect on facial wrinkles
• Not recommended for wrinkles due to elasticity loss
• Not for patients with muscle diseases
• Not for patients with inflammation in the facial area
• Not just after an antibiotic treatment
• Not during pregnancy or lactation
Injecting Botox is a very efficient and easy way to smooth facial wrinkles. It is a non-operative and non-invasive procedure.
The Botox injection is an almost completely painless procedure lasting only 10 to 20 minutes. After the treatment, no regeneration phase is necessary and the result is visible after a few days. With regular treatment, Botox can prevent further wrinkles caused by facial expressions. The effect can be permanent.
The procedure of injecting the Botox into the skin using a syringe is not only painless but has virtually no side effects or complications.
An added benefit of Botox is the blockage of neurotransmitters. These transmit pain to our brains, increase blood pressure and cause migraines. As a result, the toxin can reduce headaches and migraines and is also considered a treatment option for migraines.
Benefits of Botox treatment
• Fast, uncomplicated procedure
• Almost no complications or side effects
• No regeneration phase necessary
• Sustainable effect with regular use
• Can reduce headache
Basically, the treatment with botulinum toxin is very well tolerated and complications are extremely rare. Occurring side effects are usually very simple in nature. At the injection sites of the syringe, slight redness or bruising may occur, but the swelling subsides within a few hours and are accordingly easy to treat.
For a Botox treatment, first-class treatment by experienced and specifically trained specialists is of enormous importance. If a Botox injection is not done correctly, the face looks unnaturally plastic and disfigured, it can also lead to an unwanted paralysis of other muscles in the facial area. Especially with a Botox treatment, you should not consult cheap providers and chains from abroad.
The costs depend on the quantity and the region to be treated.